Uber Technologies (NYSE UBER), investors aren’t worried by increasing losses year-over-year. Stocks rose 11% in the past week.

It may not be enough for all shareholders, but we believe it is important to see the results. Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:UBER) share price up 15% in a single quarter. The share price has not been doing well over the past year. The hard truth is that the stock fell 34% in just one year, underperforming the market.

The 11% increase in recent months could be a sign of good things to come. Let’s look back at historical data.

See our latest analysis for Uber Technologies

Uber Technologies was not profitable over the past twelve months. It is unlikely that we will see a strong correlation between its stock price and earnings per share (EPS). Our next best option is revenue. If a company does not make profits, then we would expect to see revenue growth. Although some companies may be willing to delay profitability to increase revenue, it is possible to expect strong top-line growth.

Uber Technologies has seen a 96% increase in its revenue over the past twelve months. This is a significant increase in revenue compared to other pre-profit businesses. A drop in share prices of 34% over 12 months would be considered disappointing. Consequently, it is possible to argue that the company is not being given enough credit for its remarkable revenue growth. If this company is moving profits in a positive direction, then top-line growth such as that might be a possibility. Companies that experience exponential growth are often underestimated by humans because monkey brains don’t think exponentially.

Below is an image that shows how earnings have changed over time. Click the chart to see exact values.



We like the fact that insiders bought shares during the last 12 months. However, future earnings are more important than current shareholders making money. You should read this article if you’re thinking about buying or selling Uber Technologies stock. Free report showing analyst profit forecasts.

A Different Perspective

Uber Technologies shares have suffered in the last 12 months. They performed poorly compared to the market and cost holders 34%. The stock was also affected by the 16% drop in the wider market. Although the three-year loss of 6% per annum is not as severe as the twelve months before, it suggests that the company hasn’t been able convince the market that it has solved its problems. Baron Rothschild said, “Buy when there’s blood on the streets, even though the blood is yours”, but he also invests in high-quality stocks with strong prospects. It’s always fascinating to observe the share price performance over a longer period. Uber Technologies is complicated and requires us to take into account many other factors. Take, for example, the ever-present threat of investment risk. We’ve identified 2 warning signs with Uber Technologies Understanding these factors should be part your investment process.

Uber Technologies isn’t the only stock insiders are interested in buying. For those who love to search Successful investments This Free list of growing companies with recent insider purchasing, could be just the ticket.

Please note: The market returns mentioned in this article represent the market weighted returns of stocks trading on US exchanges.

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This article by Simply Wall St has a general nature. We only provide commentary on historical data and analyst projections. Our articles are not meant to be considered financial advice. It is not a recommendation not to buy or sell any stocks and does not take into account your financial goals. Our goal is to provide you with long-term, focused analysis based on fundamental data. Our analysis may not take into account the most recent price-sensitive company announcements and qualitative material. Simply Wall St holds no position in any of the stocks mentioned.

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