Anxiety can cause a rash. Here are some other things anxiety can do to your body.

Recenty, actor Ashley Benson TikTok: What are you waiting for? her experience with anxiety—specifically about how her stress was manifesting as a rash On her neck, chest and shoulders. Many people sympathized and understood Benson. However, others were shocked to learn that extreme stress can lead to a rash. The symptoms of anxiety include a rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and sweaty palms.

Stress symptoms can be controlled, however. affect your bodyAccording to the Mayo Clinic, anxiety can manifest itself in various ways. Stress that isn’t controlled can lead to anxiety. many health problemsHigh blood pressure, heart disease and obesity are all possible.

Read on to find out more about how anxiety might be affecting you physically—and what you can do about it.

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What happens to your body if you feel anxious?

Anxiety can come from many sources. The Banyan Treatment Centers state that some of the causes can be caused by anxiety. most common triggers These include stress, social events, or reminders of past trauma. While these may not seem to be a major threat, your body is able to go into “flight” or fight mode. when triggeredWebMD.

“Normally when you encounter a threat—whether it’s a grizzly bear or a swerving car—your nervous system springs into action,” says the site, which explains that this causes your bloodstream to be flooded with adrenaline. WebMD claims that the following happens in the body: Your heartbeat increases, which sends more blood into your muscles; your breathing becomes faster and shallower so you can absorb more oxygen; your blood sugar rises; your senses become sharper.

Anxiety attacks do not always occur suddenly.

Anxiety may occur suddenly or as a result of something else. of certain triggersHealthline says that anxiety can build up slowly. This is in contrast to panic attacks which are more common. is often suddenWebMD says that physiological changes and other physical changes can occur “in an instant”. WebMD reports however that the site has other information. on a study Publié in Biological PsychiatryAccording to a study, some physical changes may begin an hour before panic attacks, and build slowly like anxiety.

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There are some anxiety-related symptoms that are not common.

An estimated 50 percent of patients who present with chest pain (low-risk, but not heart attack-related) were suffering from anxiety. Chest pain is not the only way people experience panic—PsychCentral explains that tinnitus (a ringing in the earsA manifestation can also be (). “People with chronic tinnitus The site also states that people with anxiety are more likely to report it. People with anxiety may perceive tinnitus as louder because it is more noticeable. [and] This can create a vicious circle where tinnitus leads to anxiety and anxiety increases awareness of the tinnitus. Hiccups and jaw pain PsychCentral says panic attacks can also be a sign of panic attack.

Anxiety can also trigger skin symptoms such as the rash Benson experienced. Stress can trigger skin symptoms like the rash Benson experienced. trigger a response In the sympathetic nervous systems, which leads to the release of histamineAccording to Verywell Mind, it is “Histamine” “Histamine, a compound that is usually produced by the body as a response to injury or allergies, or inflammatory reactions, can also be triggered in stressful situations.” This type of rash can also be called “stress hives.”

Here are some tips for stress-related hives.

Many possible causes of rashes include everyday viruses, serious illnesses, and hives like pancreatic carcinoma. Stress rash, hivesusually appear GoodRx describes them as welts, or wheals. When you press down on them, stress hives turn blanchable. This is when they temporarily turn white. GoodRx says that although welts are small, they can become larger when they combine with other welts. According to the site, stress hives can look oval, round or ring-like, but they also have the ability to take on unusual shapes.

Mary StevensonAccording to a NYU Langone assistant professor of dermatology, stress can cause hives. are best treated “By proactively trying not to let anxiety happen.[But] It’s not always possible to avoid feeling stressed,” she says. Stevenson recommends that you use both over-the-counter and prescription medications to provide stress relief.

Stevenson states, “De-stressing can be hard.” “If there’s a way, there are many.” to reduce stress Your health will be positively impacted by your daily activities.

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