25 ways to turn your plot into a natural-friendly area

You can easily create your very own small nature pond and it will make a big difference for the wildlife you visit.

Here are the tips of experts:

1) ‘Start off by finding or buying a large container to hold the water needed for a pond,’ says Chris Bonnett of GardeningExpress.co.uk. You can get a special container from a garden centre, an old sink or a washing up bowl. It should be strong enough to withstand the elements all year, especially heavy frosts.

2) Chris says, “Once the container is picked, it’s time to dig a deep enough hole for the container so that it sits flush to the ground.” ‘Levelling the container with the ground will allow a range of creatures can get in and out. To make it more accessible to wildlife, you can place bricks, stones, and plants around the edges of a raised pond.

3) “Then, fill up your pond!” The RSPB team. The RSPB team says that tapwater contains a lot chemicals that can be harmful to a pond. Therefore, it is important to use rainwater whenever you can.

4) ‘It is then ready to plant,’ says the RSPB. It’s best to plant aquatic plants in special pots with mesh sides. Also, use low nutrient soil and grit. You should only have two to three plants for a small pond. Otherwise, it can get overcrowded.

5) RSPB: ‘Submerged pondweed helps keep a pond clear. They also recommend that ponds be stocked with native plants. The UK is recommended to use rigid hornwort and whorled-water-milfoil. These can be purchased at specialist pond suppliers or garden centers. It is a great idea for native marginal plants to be placed around the edges, poking through the surface to provide cover and perches for wildlife. Be careful not to use too many plants for such a small area. Consider marsh marigold, water forget-meet and lesser spearwort.

6) Provide a way for wildlife to easily get into and out of your pond. According to the RSPB, bricks, rocks or logs can be used. “Think about it: If I were a hedgehog, could I climb out of this? They continue.

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