According to dietitians, 7 Holiday Foods You Should Avoid if Your Blood Sugar is High

If you are looking for a way to make your life easier, watching your blood sugar Holiday season can bring stress. There is no one food that will make or break your blood sugar. However, it is important to learn how to navigate these events to maintain a healthy blood sugar. To find out which foods to limit in the coming year, we spoke with diabetes experts and dietitians.

It’s not about what you eat or don’t eat for good sugar. It’s also about how you mix foods together to create balanced meals or snacks for your blood sugar.

Avoid eating starchy foods alone to improve blood sugar control in the holiday season. Alissa Palladino MS, RDN, LD, CPT. “I would recommend pairing them together with a protein source. This will slow down digestion. prevents blood sugar spikesIt helps you feel fuller, longer.

Palladino adds, “To make it practical for holidays, if a cookie is something you would like to eat, pair it with a protein-rich food, such as a piece cheese or a glass milk.” Pair pancakes with something if you plan to eat them on Christmas morning. Greek yogurt Or scrambled eggs as a source of protein.

It is important to keep in mind that not one meal or food can have a significant impact on your overall blood sugar control. It is up to you to decide which foods are worth eating. holiday partyHowever, we hope to empower you with the knowledge and tools to make your own decision. Let’s learn what foods dietitians recommend you limit for your next holiday party.

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Cranberry sauce

cranberry sauce

cranberry sauce

Although this traditional sauce is delicious, it’s loaded with sugar. This side dish, which has 22 grams per portion, quickly reaches the table. added sugar dietary guidelines. For your health, the guidelines suggest that you limit added sugar intake to 25 grams per day. This means that a single serving of cranberry syrup is almost 90% of the daily limit of added sugars.

You can avoid blood sugar spikes by keeping your portion to a small amount. For the best blood sugar response after the meal, pair it with turkey or ham. You can make your own if you’re looking for something healthier. own cranberry sauce Instead, control the sugar content.

Eat this, not that

Don’t eat this.

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You’re looking for something to eat at holiday events? crackers are not it. Crackers can spike blood sugar and make you feel hungry. Crackers are a quick-digesting source of carbohydrates that can spike blood sugar levels after they have been eaten.

One dietitian can help you feel full and energetic without the blood sugar roller coaster.

“Replace crackers and chips with nuts and seeds,” says Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD. “These are good for adding protein, fiber and healthy fat to your daily food intake, as well as avoiding refined carbs. Keep your servings to a small number of handfuls daily.



assorted candy

assorted candy

Although candy can be tempting to pop into your mouth while it’s on the counter in front you, it won’t do any good for your blood sugar. This sweet treat is mostly made up of added sugar and can quickly spike blood sugar, especially if eaten empty stomach. Additionally, there’s not much nutrition besides simple carbohydrates—which means that you might find yourself with high blood sugar and still hungry, and that never feels very good.

“Watch out for the candy. These can be tricky as they seem innocent and small. They’re everywhere during holidays—chocolate morsels from the Advent calendar or Almond Roca just because it’s available can have a big impact on blood sugars,” advises Shena Jaramillo, MS, RD.

RELATED: 7 Holiday Desserts You Can Enjoy if You Have High Blood Sugar


Bourbon balls

bourbon bon bons

Bourbon bonbons

These little morsels are a family tradition but can have a devastating effect on blood sugar. These little sugar bombs are made with butter, powdered sugar and bourbon. The added sugar will spike your blood sugar but the butter in these holiday treats takes a longer time to digest which keeps your blood sugar higher for longer. Bourbon balls and other foods that contain a lot of sugar and fat tend to raise blood sugar levels for a longer time after they are eaten.

These treats are a must-have if you love them.


Sweet potato casserole

Sweet Potato Casserole

Sweet Potato Casserole

Sweet potatoes are already naturally sweet—but then we put them into a casserole Add brown sugar, molasses and marshmallows to the top. This can quickly increase the carbohydrate intake for your meal. You might want to consider whether it is worth it.

“Sweet potato casserole may be one of your biggest sugar bombs during holidays.” Sharon Puello, MA, RD, CDN, CDCESTells This is how you eat it, not this! “The sweetness of sweet potatoes and the addition of brown sugar and marshmallows can destabilize blood sugar levels.” This is a holiday tradition that you might enjoy a small portion of as a dessert.

“The warming warmth of cinnamon, nutmeg and gentle sweetness of maple syrup do not have to be limited to desserts and rich foods like sweet potato casserole. roasted veggie dishesPuello adds, “Carrots with onions, celery and fennel taste wonderful when roasted in ground nutmeg with maple syrup and balsamic Vinegar. Surprised? A slightly sweet side dish of vegetables may be able to satisfy your sweet tooth, without consuming too many carbs.


Breakfast Pastries



It is well-known that a high-carbohydrate, low-protein breakfast can have a negative impact on blood sugar control throughout the day. Recent research has shown that one recent study A study showed that eating a high-protein breakfast could help control appetite and cravings later in a day. You may need a reason not to skip breakfastThis is it! Avoid pastries and high blood sugar foods, and instead, focus on the positive. whole grains to balance blood sugar.

“I suggest avoiding [or] Limit pastries for breakfast Christina Badaracco, MPH, RD, LDN. “It’s important to have balanced meals—with whole grains that provide fiber, as well as healthy fat and protein to keep blood sugar stable and promote satiety.”

Badaracco adds, “Better options are oatmeal with berries or nuts, whole grain pancakes (with very few maple syrup), and whole grain muffins.” “Also, you can add plain yogurt, nuts butter, or a hard-boiled eggs on the side to help prevent blood sugar spikes.”



apple, pumpkin, and pecan pies

Pecan, pumpkin and apple pies

It doesn’t matter what we’re discussing pie Or your family’s traditional dessertThese sweets are full of calories and sugar, which is something we all know. We don’t recommend giving up dessert. However, one dietitian offers some helpful tips to help you have your cake and eat it as well.

Rather, Jennifer Fiske, MS, RDN, LDAccording to, “Eat your pie along with dinner. Don’t eat it by itself.”

Fiske states that desserts are a good way to control blood glucose. Peaches and baked treats can be high in added sugar. Because dessert is not an additional item after you’re satisfied with eating, it helps to avoid overeating. People can enjoy many foods, including sweets, while maintaining a healthy blood sugar.

Final Takeaways

christmas chocolate peppermint bark

Christmas chocolate peppermint bark

You can’t reverse the progress you have made in controlling your blood sugar over a single meal or day. If your blood sugar levels start to rise, learn from it and make healthier choices next time. Dietitians recommend limiting sugary foods and increasing fiber intake to support blood sugar levels this holiday season.

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