Signs and symptoms for dementia

Seeing GP about dementia symptoms. (Getty Images)

Although it can be overwhelming, it is better to consult your doctor about dementia symptoms. (Getty Images)

Know when symptoms might be affecting you dementia Can help you get the care you need.

According to the Alzheimer’s Society the greatest barrier to people seeking help about the condition is their belief that memory loss is normal with aging. This has led to one in four people battling with symptoms for more than two years before being diagnosed.

This charity is addressing this myth by sending the following message: “It is not called growing old, it’s called becoming ill.”

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With the diagnosis rate at a 5-year low, it wishes to “encourage people with undiagnosed forms of dementia to come to us to receive guidance and support and feel empowered for their next steps”.

Although it’s understandable that some people might be hesitant to get a diagnosis, the Society believes that it is better to do so, as well as 91% of those affected by dementia.

What is dementia?

(Alzheimer’s Society)

You shouldn’t confuse dementia symptoms with signs of aging. (Alzheimer’s Society)

Dementia The NHS defines a syndrome as a collection of related symptoms that is associated with a continuing decline in brain function. There are many causes and types. Not It is an inevitable part of aging.

One example is Alzheimer’s and another is vascular dementia. Both are common in the majority of cases. There are also dementias with Lewy bodies (DLB), frontotemporal dementia and young-onset dementia. more.

It can also affect your memory and the way you think, feel, speak, and behave.

According to the Alzheimer’s Society, there are approximately 900,000. This number is expected to increase to 1.6million by 2040. It is estimated that 209,600 people will get it this year. That’s equivalent to one per three minutes.

This condition is most common in older people. The likelihood of developing it doubles every five years after the age 65. However, it can also be affected by younger people.

Memory loss symptoms are not the only misconceptions. Denial and referral times can also be barriers to people seeking help. This is why it is important to have knowledge about the condition so that people can get the right care.

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Alzheimer’s Disease

Older woman looking wistfully out of window

Even in familiar surroundings, Alzheimer’s disease can cause you to feel lost or confused. (Getty Images)

Alzheimer’s disease This is the leading cause of dementia in the UK. This progressive condition means that symptoms gradually worsen over time.

While the cause is still unknown, factors that may increase your risk include untreated depression, age, and lifestyle factors linked to cardiovascular disease.

The first sign of memory problems is usually minor, like forgetting details or names of people or places, or forgetting important conversations.

The NHS lists these symptoms as:

  • Confusion, disorientation or getting lost in familiar areas can lead to confusion.

  • Difficulty in planning or making decisions

  • Problems with speech or language

  • Problems with moving around and performing self-care tasks without assistance

  • Personality changes include becoming aggressive, demanding, and suspicious of other people

  • Hallucinations are the perception of seeing or hearing things that aren’t there. Delusions are when you believe things are false.

  • Anxiety or low mood

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Vascular dementia

Vascular dementia can make you feel disorientated. (Getty Images)

Vascular dementia can cause disorientation. (Getty Images)

Vascular dementia is a common type of the syndrome, caused by reduced blood flow to the brain, which often gets worse over time – though it’s sometimes possible to sow it down. It can occur suddenly or gradually over time.

The NHS lists these symptoms as:

  • Slowness of thought

  • Planning and understanding are difficult

  • Concentration problems

  • Changes in your mood, personality and behaviour

  • Feeling confused and disoriented

  • Balance and walking difficulties

  • Alzheimer’s disease symptoms include memory problems and difficulties with language. Many people with vascular dementia have Alzheimer’s.

It can make everyday life more difficult for those with the condition and ultimately prevent them from being in a position to take care of themselves.

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Dementia and Lewy bodies (DLB).

Thoughtful senior woman relaxing on bed. Senior woman relaxing at home. Woman having a nap on the sofa relaxing with her head tilted back on the cushion and eyes closed

DLB can make you sleepy or disrupt your sleep. (Getty Images)

DLBAnother common form of dementia is Lewy body dementia. Lewy bodies, which appear in the nerve cells of brain cells as clumps and globs of protein, are the cause. It is often mistakenly diagnosed because it has many symptoms in common with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

The NHS lists the following symptoms:

  • Hallucinations – seeing, hearing or smelling things that are not there

  • Problems with understanding, thinking, memory and judgement – this is similar to Alzheimer’s disease, although memory may be less affected in people with dementia with Lewy bodies

  • Confusion or sleepiness – this can change over minutes or hours

  • Slow movement, stiff limbs, and tremors are all signs of uncontrollable shaking.

  • Disturbed sleep is often disturbed by violent movements or shouting.

  • Falls, unsteadiness, and fainting spells

Frontotemporal dementia

Single lonesome guy checking cell on the couch

Frontotemporal dementia can affect your motivation. (Getty Images)

Generally speaking, frontotemporal dementia This is an uncommon form of dementia. More specifically, although it is less common in older adults, it is the third most frequent type among those under 65. Dementia UK.

It affects both the sides and the front of the brain and can lead to problems with language and behaviour. Like other types of dementia it develops slowly over time and then becomes gradually more severe.

The NHS lists these symptoms as:

  • Personality and behaviour changes – acting inappropriately or impulsively, appearing selfish or unsympathetic, neglecting personal hygiene, overeating, or loss of motivation

  • Language problems – speaking slowly, struggling to make the right sounds when saying a word, getting words in the wrong order, or using words incorrectly

  • Problems with mental abilities – getting distracted easily, struggling with planning and organisation

  • Memory problems – these only tend to occur later on, unlike more common forms of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease

There may also be physical symptoms such as slow or stiff movement, loss of bladder control or bowel control, weakness, or difficulty swallowing. Frontotemporal dementia may also result in someone becoming unable to take care of themselves.

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Young-onset dementia

A woman of African descent and her doctor are indoors in a medical clinic. The woman is sitting and describing her symptoms to the doctor.

Young people should feel that they can also see their doctor regarding possible dementia symptoms. (Getty Images)

Young-onset dementia is someone who has the condition and lives with it for at least 42,000 people in the UK.

A wide variety of symptoms may be experienced by younger people with dementia. The overall condition is caused by a number of diseases. The support they require might differ because of how it affects them.

These were listed by Alzheimer’s Society as:

  • Young-onset dementia can be caused by a wider variety of diseases.

  • Younger people are more likely to develop rare forms of dementia.

  • Memory loss is less common in dementia patients who are younger than 65.

  • Problems with balance, movement, co-ordination, and walking in young-onset dementia are more common.

  • Young-onset dementia is more likely to be inherited (passed on through genes) – this affects up to 10% of younger people with dementia.

  • Many younger people with dementia don’t have any other serious or long-term health conditions.

Elderly people with dementia might be more concerned about the impact it may have on their families, relationships, finances, daily living, or risk of future children.

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When should you see a GP?

While it's important to see a GP about symptoms, certain lifestyle changes can also help lower your risk of experiencing them in the first place. (Alzheimer's Society)

It is important to visit a doctor about any symptoms. However, there are lifestyle changes that can reduce your chances of getting them. (Alzheimer’s Society)

Stress, fatigue, and certain medicines can all affect memory. However, if you are over 65 or if your memory is becoming more erratic, you should talk to your doctor.

Ask yourself if it is affecting your daily activities. You can tell the difference between normal memory loss and memory loss that could cause concern. Don’t hesitate to seek advice if you are concerned about it.

Alzheimer’s Society is urging anyone worried about themselves or someone they love to take the first step and contact the charity for support. You can get support and information about diagnosis by clicking or calling. Visit Or call 03331503456

You can also use Alzheimer’s Society’s possible symptoms checklist To assist with a medical appointment.

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