It is the most depressing day in the year.

Stock picture of a woman feeling down. Today marks Blue Monday. (Getty Images)

Blue Monday: What is it and is it real. (Getty Images)

How do you feel this morning? Let us guess…blue? It is Blue Monday. Or so we’re told.

If you think about it, it sort of makes sense that you’re not going to be feeling totally tip top in January. Christmas is far away, but it hasn’t ceased to rain and the drizzle continues. cost of living crisis This means that we are all skint with a capital “S”.

It’s not surprising that #BlueMonday is a trending topic on Twitter.

But though we’re not feeling on top of our game is today really the most depressing day of the year?

You will find everything you need to know about Blue Monday.

Blue Monday: 9 things you should know.

What is Blue Monday? Blue Monday is the day when people feel most likely to express sadness or despair.

Although it is believed to have been based upon a complex algorithm many academics claim that the day was purely a result pseudoscience.

Blue Monday when? Blue Monday falls on the third Monday in January, but this year it fell on the 16th.

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The origin of the term? The date concept was initially introduced to the public by Sky Travel in 2005. Cliff Arnall, psychologist, created an algorithm that could predict when the most sad day would be.

Stock picture of a woman feeling low. (Getty Images)

Blue Monday might not be real, but many people suffer from it at this time. (Getty Images)

Blue Monday is it real? Dr Arnall is no exception. admitted that Blue Monday is a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’As a result, there has been a rise in the number of PR firms jumping on this trend for profit in recent years.

Dean Burnett, a neuroscientist has also described the concept of Blue Monday as ‘scientifically ridiculous’.

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People with mental disorders may find it dangerous to go on the date. People who are depressed no matter what day it may be.

As a result, a mental health charity was established Mind The previously founded #BlueAnyDay hashtag To remind the public that 1 in 6 people will experience depression at some time in their lives. This is not something that should be dismissed.

“Blue Monday contributes to damaging misconceptions about depression and trivialises an illness that can be life threatening,” says Mind’s Head of Information Stephen Buckley. “One in six people will suffer from depression in their lifetime. Depression can cause severe symptoms, including difficulty sleeping, feelings of hopelessness, a loss of interest in the future, irritability, and suicidal thoughts.

However, many people are feeling blue this season. Although Blue Monday was created as a marketing stunt to promote more holidays, many people believe that January is a difficult month for many of us.

Many of us feel anxiety about the future this year, with rising energy costs, the cost of living crisis and rising mortgage rates.

Research has shown that three-in-ten Brits (30%) are less happy in January than they are in the rest.

The study was commissioned by SilentnightAccording to a study, Blue Monday symptoms can be experienced by one in five (20%) UK adults, despite not being technically possible. These include fatigue, lethargy and a feeling of sadness.

The data shows that mood swings are mostly caused by dark mornings and dark nights (14%), cold weather (14%), post-Christmas blues (11%), and post-Christmas blues (11%).

Stock picture of a man feeling sad. (Getty Images)

While Blue Monday might be a myth, many of us still feel down this January. (Getty Images)

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There are ways to beat the January blues. Start by getting more sleep. “Deep sleep, or slow wave sleep, results in our bodies release growth and repair hormones – helping restore the brain,” explains Hannah Shore, sleep expert at Silentnight. Lighter sleep like REM allows the brain to heal. This is how memory consolidation and learning, as well as emotional processing are achieved.

She recommends that you calm down before going to bed by using a consistent routine, meditation, or soothing music.

You can boost your mood by going outside in January. “It is estimated that about two million people suffer from the winter blues in the UK,” Dr Felicity Bake, clinical psychologist and cofounder at Ultimate Resilience. “Linked to a decrease in sunlight exposure, increases in neurotransmitter Melatonin can affect our emotions. This can cause us to feel depressed or unmotivated.

There are many strategies that can be used to help. Dr Baker recommends that you go outdoors, particularly during midday, when the sun is at its strongest. She says that if you are near windows, and paint your home with pale colors, you will be able to take advantage of the reflected sunlight from the outside. To combat winter blues, it is important to give yourself some rest. While it may seem indulgent to take time to relax, engage in a hobby or watch a movie, this will make you feel more energetic.

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It can be helpful to schedule time with family and friends. Dr Marianne Trent is a clinical psychologist Good Thinking Psychological Services According to some, the combination of returning to work after Christmas and the higher living costs can make it seem bleak this time of the year.

She says, “It is helpful to plan ahead and schedule time with people you feel validated by and/or who make your heart beat faster or bring tears of joy to your eyes.” It can be extremely helpful to focus on your health, well-being, and nutrition.

You can also seek professional help if you are feeling very low. “We want to remind people that depression can happen at any time and that Mind is available to help people throughout the year,” Stephen Buckley continues.

“If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one then it is important to seek support. Our website has lots of information on depression including tips for helping yourself and guidance for friends and family.”

Visit the for more information and guidance Mind Website or phone the Infoline 0300 123 3393.

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