What is the best way to treat Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)?

<p>Dmitry Marchenko / EyeEm / Getty Images</p>

Dmitry Marchenko EyeEm Getty Images

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is an eye strain condition that can be caused by excessive screen time on devices like computers, mobile phones, tablets and eReaders. A 2020 Vision Council study found that even four hours a day of screen use could cause this condition.

Computer vision syndrome affects millions of people worldwide. Around 60 million people worldwide suffer from this condition.

This article will help you identify the signs of computer-vision syndrome, how to relieve your eyes and tips for reducing screentime.

<p>Dmitry Marchenko / EyeEm / Getty Images</p>

Dmitry Marchenko/ EyeEm/ Getty Images

Computer Vision Syndrome: How to Diagnose It

To determine if computer vision syndrome is present, you must first recognize the symptoms. Here’s what you should be on the lookout for:

  • Blurred vision, distorted vision or other problems with the eyes double vision (diplopia, seeing two images of the same item at once.

  • Eye problems such as a ache around or in the eyes, or tired eyes

  • Eye surface problems, such as redness, burning, drying, or watering.

  • Shoulder, neck or back pain or stiffness headache.

  • Problems with focusing close up

  • Halos of color around objects

  • Sensitivity to light

You can ask yourself whether these symptoms are frequent or intense. If you experience six symptoms, it is possible that you suffer from computer vision syndrome. This is especially true if the symptoms are not mild.

A doctor of the eye, like an ophthalmologist can confirm the diagnosis. Your eye physician will ask you a lot of questions and conduct a thorough exam. comprehensive eye exam To determine if there is anything else that could be contributing to the symptoms, you should consult your doctor.

A part of the exam involves testing your binocular and depth perception (seeing two eyes at once). Your provider will perform a dilated examination, which involves enlarging your pupils using eye drops in order to examine the back of the eyes.

How long do CVS symptoms last?

Computer vision syndrome can cause discomfort, but luckily, it usually goes away after a few hours of not looking at your screen. If you keep working without taking a break from your screen, repeated eye strain can lead to reduced vision even after stepping back away. This symptom will worsen with time.

Computer Vision Syndrome: Relieved by Various Methods

You can reduce eye strain by making some simple changes in your environment. You can start by taking the following steps:

  • To reduce glare, change the lighting of the room.Try closing the curtains, lowering the brightness or adding a screen filter. It will allow you to better focus and reduce squinting. Put your hands over your eyes to see if it helps. If you can see better on the screen, it is time to change your lighting.

  • Check that you are not holding the screen too near your eyes: Screens should be about an arm’s length away—or even a little farther—to allow your eyes to focus easily.

  • Place the screen 4-8 inches below your eyes.This lower positioning allows for your neck to be relaxed and your eyes not to get as dry, since your lids will cover more surface area.

  • Ergonomics is also helpfulAdjust the height of your chair so your knees form a 90 degree angle and your feet rest flat on the ground. Sit back and position the keyboard so that it is lower than the elbows. It will improve posture and reduce strain on the neck, shoulders and back.

  • You shouldn’t stare too longTake frequent breaks. You can get relief by blinking or looking around.

  • Get eyeglasses, or update your prescription. If you experience eye problems, it may be that you require corrective lenses or new vision prescriptions. Poorly fitting glasses may slide down your nose and lessen the correction. You will have to strain your eyes to see clearly on the screen.

Other measures are less effective. You may have heard of glasses that block out sunlight. blue light from screensThere is no scientific proof that blue light causes eye damage. According to research conducted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), blue light is harmful for your eyes. blue-light-blocking glasses They don’t ease computer-vision syndrome and the Academy doesn’t recommend their use.

What CVS Could Be?

There are many other conditions that can cause eye pain. There are other conditions that can cause computer vision syndrome. reasons for your vision to be blurred You can also use it for yourself eyes to burn The following are some examples of how to use look red.

If you continue to experience these symptoms, it is important that you consult an eye specialist immediately in order to identify the cause.

Reduce screen time

It is crucial that anyone suffering from computer vision syndrome reduce their screen time. You can help yourself by doing the following:

  • Set screen time limits on your computer or smartphone. You’ll even receive a notification on your smartphone if you exceed the weekly limit.

  • Step away from the device periodically and stretch.

  • Avoid eating in front of a screen. You can eat and snack elsewhere without your device.

  • Make your bedroom a screen free zone.

You can read more about it here:

Computer vision syndrome occurs all too often in the modern world, especially when using devices such as smartphones, tablets and eReaders. Too much screen time may cause eye discomfort or even vision problems.

To alleviate computer-vision syndrome, you can change the lighting of your room, move your computer, take frequent breaks, or reduce the time spent in front of a screen. Consult an eye specialist if the problem persists.

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