Cottage cheese has 4 more healthy benefits, including protein, probiotics, and four other.

Cottage cheese has many health benefits that should be included on your grocery list.

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Cottage cheese has been a favourite food choice of athletes and those with a healthy lifestyle for a long time. In fact, cottage cheese popularity peaked in the 1970s as a go-to healthy “diet food” (before the yogurt craze took over in the ’80s). But eating cottage cheese isn’t one of those unfounded, old-school weight-loss fads with no place in the 2020s—it really is a delicious, nutrient-rich addition to any balanced diet (that includes dairy and animal protein, that is). Its accessibility combined with its awesome health benefits, creamy texture, and neutral flavor—perfect for both sweet and savory applications—all make cottage cheese a perfect go-to snack, secret ingredient (in lasagna, egg dishes, pancakes, dips, and more!As part of a larger dish, you can also use cottage cheese.

What is Cottage Cheese?

This soft cheese is actually a type of cheese curd that’s been separated from its dairy counterpart, whey, through an enzymatic reaction. So, nope, it’s not curdled or spoiled cheese! Because cottage cheese doesn’t go through an aging or ripening process like many other cheeses, it maintains the classic, mild flavor it’s known for. Cottage cheese can be made from non-fat, full-fat or low-fat milks. It also comes in different curd sizes.

Why is this nostalgia food so attractive to anyone who wants healthy, nutrient-rich food choices? Here’s why cottage cheese is so good for you and worth trying if you’ve never had the pleasure.

Cottage Cheese Health Benefits


One of the biggest selling points of cottage cheese is that it’s packed with protein. One cup cottage cheese will give you a staggering 25 grams This important macronutrient is essential. “Protein not only helps with satiety, but also balances blood sugar levels,” explains Therese Molzahn, M.S., RDN, a clinical dietitian specializing in women’s care. Plus, protein Helps to build healthy tissues throughout the body such as bones, muscles and skin. These benefits combine to make cottage cheese the perfect choice when you’re looking for a convenient snack that will give you lasting energy.


Cottage cheese is a great option for anyone looking to add some flavor to their diet. more calcium? Calcium is essential for bone and tooth health. benefits of calcium It plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy heart, muscle, nerve, and brain functioning.


Also, this fermented cheddar cheese can be rich in probioticsCheck the labels on packaging for active cultures or live cultures. The popularity of probiotic foods is partly due to the growing demand for them. popularity of gut health. Probiotics, which are good bacteria for your health, can be helpful. boost your gut microbiomeThe group of trillions upon trillions microorganisms in the large intestinale that have the potential to positively influence our health in many ways. immune health to brain health.

B Vitamins

 Cottage cheese is full of B vitamins It is high in vitamin B12, riboflavin, and eight other vitamins. “Vitamin B12 is essential for the development and function of our nervous system, DNA synthesis, and for red blood cell formation,” Molzahn says. Riboflavin is especially good for nerve cells. It helps reduce inflammation, oxidative stress and tissue damage.


Cottage cheese and dairy products are excellent sources of phosphorus. Phosphorus, a mineral with so many vital roles in the human body, is important. It is essential for the growth, health, and repair, as well as the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and helps in their recovery. If you remember high school biology, the P in ATP (adenosine triplicate) is phosphorus. This is what stores energy in cells. So it’s vital that we’re including phosphorus-rich foods in our daily routine.


Although you might not be familiar with it, cottage cheese is a great source of this important mineral. Selenium is an essential element in many enzymes and proteins of the body. It helps create DNA and protects our cells from harm.

How to include Cottage Cheese in Your Daily Routine

There are many delicious ways that cottage cheese can be incorporated into your daily life. There are still a few things you need to know before you start making this delicious cheese.

One is that it is possible high in sodium. Although sodium is essential for good health, excessive amounts over a prolonged period of time can lead to hypertension or high blood pressure. Many cottage cheese brands have low-sodium options.

It is a dairy product and may not be suitable for those who are lactose intolerant. “For those with lactose intolerance, cottage cheese may lead to some gas, bloating, or diarrhea depending on the portion size eaten,” Molzahn adds. The fermentation process involved in creating cottage cheese will help to increase its digestibility, but if dairy doesn’t agree with you for one reason or another, it may be best to steer clear of it.

Cottage cheese with full fat will also have saturated fat and be higher in calories. The scientific community has known for decades that saturated fat had a negative impact on cholesterol levels and increased the risk of heart disease. Research is showing that this correlation does not exist in black and white. For instance, one review published in The BMJ 2015 examined evidence from more than 90,000 participants. They found no correlation between saturated oil intake and increased risk for cardiovascular disease. These findings are more evident with fermented dairy products. This could be because of the chemical processes dairy fat undergoes when it ferments. This could be due to the chemical processes that dairy fat undergoes with fermentation. fermenting milk into kefirResearchers discovered that the fat composition of fats changed. Some saturated fat was converted to unsaturated fats, which is good for our hearts and overall health. These findings can be found here extrapolated to all dairy fermentation. Low-fat cottage cheese is an option if you want to reduce your intake of calories and fat.

Molzahn offers some smart and simple ideas to help you include cottage cheese in your healthy eating habits. “It can be eaten in its plain form as a snack, used for dips and sauces, as a condiment, used as a substitute for milk, topping foods, and more.”

You can substitute it for yogurt in a parfait of fruit and granola or top it with everything bagel seasoning to make a dip for your favorite cuts of vegetables.

Cottage cheese, when consumed in moderation can be a wonderful, nutrient-dense, healthy addition to your lifestyle. It packs a punch of calcium, probiotics and super-satiating proteins.

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