A New Study suggests that 5-minute walks can reverse the negative effects caused by sitting all day.

a father and daughter walking together outside

Outside, a father and his daughter walk together

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The World Health Organization (WHO) According to experts from the health organization, 60-85% of the world’s population is sedentary. Desk jobs, an increased reliance on technology and the pandemic—and related mental, physical and environmental barriers to movement—have caused rates of inactivity to rise in recent years.

We’re also losing the potential to build muscle by not moving. According to the WHO, sedentary lifestyles can raise risk for all kinds of death, including doubled risk of diabetes and heart disease. It has also been linked with an increase of the diagnosis of high blood pressureCertain types of cancersCertain osteoporosis, certain mental health There are many challenges, including anxiety and depression.

Since we know we’re not going to stop sitting—hey, some research suggests that even hunter and gatherer societies in Africa sit about as much as we do stateside—researchers are on a quest to discover if there are any lifestyle habits that can help “cancel out” the negative health effects of sitting. It might as simple as allowing yourself to have small, bite-sized exercises “snacks”. A study published in January 12th, American College of Sports Medicine journal. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Walking for five minutes each 30 minutes can offset the effects of prolonged sitting..

Continue reading to find out more about the sitting study, what the researchers have learned from it, and what is next in this new field of study.

Related: 6 Health Benefits of Walking

What this Exercise Study Found

Previous studies Many studies have shown that sitting for long periods of time is not what’s killing our health and prolonging our lives. Columbia University scientists recruited 11 people to their laboratory. The participants sat for eight hours in ergonomic chairs while they used their computers, read and scrolled through their phones. They also ate their standard meals.

Participants were given one of four “snacks” to do during these shifts or none at all to break up their sitting time. According to the prescription of their group, they were not allowed to get up except to use the bathroom or walk on a treadmill.

  • Walking is not allowed

  • Walking for 5 minutes every 60 minutes

  • Walk for 5 minutes after every 30 minutes of sitting

  • Every 60 minutes of sitting, 1 minute of walking

  • For every 30 minutes of sitting, 1 minute walking

“If we hadn’t compared multiple options, and varied the frequency of the exercise, then we wouldn’t have been able provide people with our best guesses about the optimal routine.” Keith Diaz, Ph.D.Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, leads the study and is an associate professor of behavior medicine. Columbia University Irving Medical Center News.

The researchers tracked several data points related to mental and physical health throughout the study. These included mood, fatigue and cognitive performance.

Dr. Diaz and his colleagues found that walking for 5 minutes every 30 minutes was the ideal amount of movement. This seemed to be the only option that could significantly lower both blood sugars and blood pressure.

Echoing earlier findings that showed a 2-minute walk after a meal is enough to lower blood sugar This is due to an increase in insulin sensitivity. The team discovered that participants who took a five-minute walk every thirty minutes saw a 58% decrease in blood sugar spikes following a meal. Every form of exercise, including snacks, leads to a 5mmHg drop of blood pressure in comparison to those who sit all day.

Dr. Diaz says, “This is a significant decrease, comparable with the reduction you would expect to exercise daily for six months.” Columbia University Irving Medical Center News.

This is why it happens. The reason this happens is that sitting constricts the blood vessels and causes them to kink. This can cause blood pressure to rise. These short walks, which are not very long, can restore blood flow to the legs and put less strain on the heart.

Except for the one that suggested walking only for a minute an hour, all of the walking interventions significantly reduced fatigue levels and significantly improved mood.

It is important to consider the effects of fatigue and mood. Dr. Diaz said that people are more likely to do the same things that make them happy and feel satisfied.

None of these plans seem to have any effect on cognition. However, keep in mind that this was a one-day intervention—walking just three times per week has been shown to reduce risk for dementiaJust, and? 10 minutes per day It seems to be enough to move things along.

Related: How Brisk Walking Every Day Could Help You Live Longer

The bottom line

Columbia University has found that adding five minutes of walking for every thirty minutes of sitting can dramatically improve mental and physical health.

Although a few minutes may not seem like much, these 5-minute walks add up to 40 minutes of walking over an 8-hour work day. This can be done 7 days per week and will get you to 280 active minutes. WHO’s recommended physical activity 150 minutes of moderate exercise

Dr. Diaz concluded that for optimal health, it is important to exercise regularly at work and to keep moving. Columbia University Irving Medical Center News. While it might sound impossible, our findings have shown that even small amounts walking throughout the day can dramatically lower your risk for developing chronic diseases such as heart disease.

This was admittedly a small and insignificant study that only assessed 11 participants. To improve our understanding of the effects of sitting for prolonged periods of time, we need to do more long-term research among a wider range of participants. Columbia researchers confirm that they are currently testing 25 different “doses of walking” to determine their impact on various health outcomes. They also tested it among a wider range of people.

While we wait for more information on this topic, it doesn’t hurt to get moving if you are sitting most of the day. You can set a reminder on your calendar to make 5 minutes each half hour for a house or office lap. Next, when you feel ready to go all out, take a look at our best walking plan to help reduce stress. It only takes 15 minutes per day.

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