These Are the American Culinary Preferences Which Are Totally Confusing For Non-Americans

If you have ever been to another country, chances are you’ve found yourself intrigued by its cuisine and food preferences. And there’s no doubt that the rest of the world feels a whole bunch of emotions — from intrigued to baffled by — American eating habits. I decided to browse through the responses on the subreddit. r/askreddit The BuzzFeed Community. Here are some American culinary practices that can be confusing to the rest.

Tina Fey eating a cupcake sandwich.

Tina Fey eating a muffin sandwich.


1.“Sweet potato-marshmallow casserole with brown Sugar and Butter. What is the ….?!”?

Close up of sweet potatoes with cinnamon and marshmallows


“I only saw it on American TV so it may not be real but Americans have seen it.” Actually What about sweet potatoes with marshmallows? Do you not feel sick if you eat sweet potatoes with marshmallows?


Sara Seaberry / Getty Images/iStockphoto

2.“Ranch dressing. It is so strong. Why are Americans not able to taste the salad and not just the dressing?

Salad with tomatoes and bacon, croutons, and ranch dressing.
Jeff R Clow/Getty Images

3.“Southern grits are a horrible thing for my European friends and family. I have trouble convincing anyone to try it.

Grits topped with melted butter.
Photoeuphoria / Getty Images/iStockphoto

4.“Processed cheese. There are so many wonderful options. real Cheeses are delicious, so why would you eat fake cheese?

Sliced, packaged American cheese.


“That horrible, orange, and plasticky American cheese. I spent a year living in North America, and I miss good British cheddar so very much!


Juanmonino / Getty Images/iStockphoto

5.“Multiple Europeans that I have met are baffled at root beer’s popularity in America,” says one of them. It tastes almost like medicine, as they say.

A Root Beer float.


“Brit here. “I tried root beer as an adult for the first and only time.


Bhofack2 / Getty Photos/iStockphoto

6.“Not just the peanut butter-jelly combination, but the sheer amount of peanut Butter that Americans eat.”

A jar of peanut butter.
Austin Benight/Getty Images/EyeEm

7.“They love to mix sweet and salty foods such as honey-baked Ham, pineapple on pizzas, corn bread, chili, and so on. … I have lived in the States for 17 years. It still baffles and puzzles me.

Fried chicken and waffles with syrup.
Rebeccafondren / Getty Images/iStockphoto

8.“My German brother-in law lost it over American ‘all-you-can-eat’ buffets. He was like All of it…All one price All of it? It was a surprise to him.”

A Chinese food buffet.
Secret Agent Mike /Getty Images

9.“I met some Swiss men at a house party. They couldn’t believe we were actually all drinking from red Solo cups. It was amazing to them. They kept taking photos and exclaimed, “It’s like the movies!”

Pouring beer into red solo cups.
Connor Mclean / Getty Images/EyeEm

10.“The fact that they use mayonnaise to cover everything except French fries is the only right use of it!” You savages, butter!

Squeezing mayo onto a sandwich.
Hong Yun Ho / Getty Images/EyeEm

11.“Boxed macaroni & cheese. My partner is Swiss, and he is appalled by Kraft Mac & Cheese. He was shocked to hear that I was looking forward ingesting orange powder and noodles.

A close-up of boxed mac 'n' cheese.
Pamela_d_mcadams / Getty Images/iStockphoto

12.“Pineapple on pizza. It should not be a topping that people order. It is just plain disgusting.”

Close up Hawaiian pizza for background.

13.“It is not so much the American cuisine that I find odd, but the size of the portions. My family is from Australia and I was taught to eat whatever I put on it. That mentality I brought to the US led me to gain 5kg in a little over a month. It is ridiculous how much food you can eat. I couldn’t finish the meal without feeling sick.

Pastrami sandwich and pickles on a table.


“I’ve traveled quite a bit and the US has been the only place where leftovers are stored and given to the diner at the end. Although it is a good idea and I believe it is a good idea to not waste food, it is really odd to get three meals worth of food served on one plate and then have the remainder boxed up and given to you at the end so you can eat them later. Make the portions smaller.


Gerenme / Getty Images/iStockphoto

14.“Deep dish pizza. This is not pizza. It is disrespectful to Neapolitan culture and Italian culture. Deep-dish is a complete ruination of pizza as it was meant to be.

Deep dish pizza being cut with a server spatula.
Nazdravie / Getty Images/iStockphoto

15.“American bread. I was in America for six months. Shortly after I moved, I purchased a loaf bread and made a sandwich. I was surprised at how sweet the bread tasted. I told my housemates that I accidentally bought dessert bread, but nope — it was just regular bread in America.”

Sandwich with white bread and cranberry jam
Huizeng Hu / Getty Images

16.“Those Midwestern fruit salads’ that have half the ingredients being marshmallow fluff or mini marshmallows and Jello, whipped topping, etc. I can tolerate American food well, but cannot eat them or understand why they exist.

A Jell-o and fruit dessert.
Nicolesy / Getty Images/iStockphoto

17.“American desserts. I lived three years in the USA, and the amount sugar Americans add to their desserts is staggering. They were gorgeous to look at but were also sweet as honey.

Glass bakery display case with assortment of cupcakes.
Carlina Teteris/Getty Images

18.“I find it unnerving that deep-frying is a constant obsession. While there are some great deep-fried foods, I think it’s best to avoid putting anything in batter.

Fried Oreos covered in powdered sugar.


“Americans are superhuman at frying almost everything. Deep-fried butter was my first experience with deep-fried butter. It’s simply fat wrapped in carbs, fried. Also, I saw deep-fried Oreos, jellybeans, and sugar cubes coated in batter and fried with chocolate. It was all delicious, and I didn’t care what anyone thought.


Nashvilledino2 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

19.“Mint-flavored candy, such as York Peppermint Patties. I now live in Japan and I hate mint-flavored foods. I gave one to my friend and he said it was the worst thing he’d ever eaten. It tasted almost like eating toothpaste.

A kid holding a cone of mint ice cream.
Cultura Rm exclusive / Getty Images/Image source

20.“Pumpkin spice lattes. The one I tried tasted just like very sweet coffee. I’m not a fan of the American craze.

A woman holding a latte in a mug on marble table.
Tenkende / Getty Images/iStockphoto

21.“I cannot get over the weird fusion foods that America is so famous for, such as burgers with deep-fried mac and cheddar for buns, sushi burritos or taco pizzas.

A sushi burrito in someone's hand.
Ryanjlane / Getty Images/iStockphoto

22.“Those hot dogs coated in chocolate served on sticks. They look weird, I’ve seen them in movies.

Mustard on a corn dog.
Shannon Ramos / Getty Images/EyeEm

23.“A friend brought back loads of American sweets on holiday. I thought the Hershey’s chocolate Kisses were the worst thing I’ve ever eaten. I was afraid I’d get sick.”

Rows of peanut butter blossom cookies with Hershey's kisses on top.
Ricksause / Getty Images/iStockphoto

24.“Casseroles with cream of any soup. Green bean casserole, tuna casserole, mushroom casserole. I have a taste for Campbell’s soups. They are delicious. The idea of adding them to a main dish makes my stomach churn. This is a sodium bomb! Think about those casseroles with crushed chips …”

Tuna casserole with pasta and green peas.
-lvinst / Getty Images/iStockphoto

25.“Americans take their coffee to-go. My Italian mother cannot get over the sight of people holding coffee cups. Americans are the only ones who don’t enjoy their coffee while seated at a café.”

Coffee in a to-go cup.
Kurmyshov / Getty Images/iStockphoto

26.“The sugar content of American cereal. I couldn’t tell if there was a layer or solid sugar on those Froot Loops.

Froot Loops in a bowl.
Ahphotoswpg / Getty Images/iStockphoto

27.“The way they eat apple syrup. One would eat a small amount of it with some pork here in the UK. It’s a condiment. It’s a condiment. Americans eat a lot of it, and they eat spoonful after spoonful. It can be used as a snack or meal by itself.

A bowl of cinnamon apple sauce.
Brycia Jam / Getty Images/iStockphoto

28.“The fact that I ordered a pound of corned meat hash, three eight inch pancakes with butter maple syrup, four scrambled eggs with ketchup (six strips of bacon), four sausage links, and endless coffee for $12 at the diner. It was my breakfast in the USA. America is my favourite place on earth.

American breakfast with eggs, pancakes, and hash browns.
Alexander Spatari / Getty Images

29.“A friend came to visit me from Italy and wanted Krispy Kreme donuts. He took one bite, and then said, “Now you understand why Americans are so fat!” He demanded that I take him back two more times.

A glazed donut from Krispy Kreme.
Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

30.“The cereal selection. It’s my favorite dessert in America.”

Pouring milk into a bowl of chocolate cereal.
Donchris Photography/Getty Images

Non-Americans: What do you find confusing or intriguing about American food and American eating habits? Leave your comments.

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