TikTokers use food to care for their skin, so I tried it

Does food belong in your skin care routine? I tried (and talked to experts about) some of TikTok's most popular food-as-beauty-products trends. (Photos: Jamie Davis Smith)

What role does food play in your skin-care routine? I tried (and talked to experts about) some of TikTok’s most popular food-as-beauty-products trends. (Photos: Jamie Davis Smith

You don’t need to spend a lot of money or use a lot of synthetic ingredients to have beautiful skin. Many TikTokers are using food to provide a natural, organic, and effective way to care for their skin.

I’d love to be able to stop spending hundreds on masks and lotions every year. I used to run to the supermarket looking for the magic ingredient that would prevent me from getting wrinkles. So I tried some TikTok home remedies.

According to dermatologists, there is no risk in putting fresh food on your face as long as it’s not spoiled. Be careful not to do too much. Dr. Harikiran Chekuri According to him, the potential side effects of applying these ingredients topically are clogged pores if they remain on the skin for too much time. Therefore, it is important that they be removed from the skin after 10 minutes. A patch test is recommended to ensure that you don’t experience any irritation.

With that in mind I set out to determine if convenience and price would convince me to use produce aisle products for skin care or if the “icky” factor would prevail and keep my loyalty to my trusted brands.


Avocados They are high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, D, and E. Dr. Anna ChaconAvocado moisturizes, nourishes and relieves inflammation. It also prevents and treats the appearance of acne. And It reduces the appearance of aging. Some people are allergic to avocado oil, so make sure to perform a spot test before applying.

Overall, I found making a face mask from an avocado to be a fail. (Photo: Jamie Davis Smith)

Making a face mask out of avocado was a failure for me. (Photo: Jamie Davis Smith

Finding an avocado that is ripe enough to be used for any purpose is the first problem. After poking around a dozen avocados gently, I found the perfect one. I used the same method I use to make guacamole, and I mashed the avocado using a fork.

It was probably better to spend more time mashing the avocado. There were still some chunks in it when I applied it to face. I also found it difficult to get any bits to stick to my skin. A good portion got into my eyebrows. Avocado masks were a disaster for me. Avocado oil is the best option if I want to reap the many benefits of avocados for skin care.

Olive oil

Chacon says olive oil Vitamins, lipids, and antioxidants are all found in this product, which can help you have healthier skin. She says that antioxidants can help reduce the signs of aging. Dermatologist Dr. Cory Gaskins Olive oil is great for “deeply moisturizing” the skin. Researcher and dermatologist are the best people to consult for the best results. Dr. Enrizza Factor Choose a high quality olive oil that is free from chemicals or additives. It is possible to get acne from olive oil. This is a rare side effect.

Even using a jade roller didn't help my skin absorb the olive oil. (Photo: Jamie Davis Smith)

My skin didn’t absorb the olive oil even though I used a jade roller. (Photo by Jamie Davis Smith

My least favorite food I used to apply to my skin was olive oil. It felt oily and slimy, not surprising. To make the oil more absorbed and feel more soothing and less drippy, I tried a jade roller. It didn’t.

It felt like there was a residue even after I had washed it off. However, my skin did look shiny — in a flattering way — after I used the olive oil. It felt softer and more supple. It has many benefits, so I might try it topically with another brand. But this was a failure.


The humble cucumber They have cooling and soothing effects. Chacon claims they increase antioxidant activity which can slow down the signs of aging. Gaskin says cucumbers can reduce puffiness around the eyes. Cucumbers can also reduce redness. Cucumbers are safe for most skin types.

While I wasn't a fan of the cold sensation of the cucumber on my face, the scent was refreshing. (Photo: Jamie Davis Smith)

The cucumber scent was refreshing, even though I wasn’t a fan. (Photo: Jamie Davis Smith

I first placed room temperature cucumber slices on my eyes, and then felt a cool, soothing sensation. Then, I followed the TikTokers’ advice and applied a frozen cucumber to my face. Although I don’t like cold, the sensation was not pleasant for me. Because I was so uncomfortable, this experiment was cut short. The cucumber’s refreshing scent was something I loved for the time I kept it frozen.


Honey This is more than just a natural sweetener. Chacon claims it deeply hydrates skin, acts as a cleanser and gentle exfoliator. It also reduces wrinkles, scars, and brightens. Chacon warns that honey may not be the best choice if you have infants. “Eating honey by the mouth has resulted… in botulism in infants.”

After slathering my face with honey, my husband said my skin looked radiant. (Photo: Jamie Davis Smith)

My husband commented that my skin looked radiant after I had applied honey to it. (Photo by Jamie Davis Smith

Honey was something I was afraid would make my face a sticky mess. However, it turned out to be quite easy. I applied the honey with my hands. It transferred easily to my skin and was easy to spread evenly. It was uncomfortable to have something so sticky on your face, but it wasn’t.

I was ready to give up on what I thought would prove difficult, but after 10 minutes, I found the honey easily wiped off with a hot towel. He said that I looked radiant.


Oats They aren’t just delicious for breakfast. Factor says that oats can be used topically to improve the skin’s dryness, scaling and roughness. She believes that oats can be used as a gentle cleanser for your skin. Chacon claims oatmeal moisturizes, and even nurtures the skin. Chacon states that while most people tolerate oats on the skin well it can cause skin irritation and blotchy itchy skin.

I quickly mixed some hot water with a small amount of oats to make a small bowl. I let the mixture cool down before I began to apply it to my skin with my fingers. It was messy, difficult to get the oatmeal to stick and almost impossible to evenly apply the oats. I once had a big chunk stuck to my nose, but I was able to get some to stick to my cheeks.

I found oats hard to remove from my skin, and will probably stick to only eating them going forward. (Photo: Jamie Davis Smith)

Oats were difficult to get off my skin so I will likely stick to eating them. (Photo by Jamie Davis Smith

I scrubbed the oatmeal in as best I could, and then let them rest for a while. It was hard to get the oats off my skin. Although oats could make a great exfoliant, I don’t believe they work well as a face mask. My face felt smoother and clearer after using the oat mixture. But, given the mess, I think that I will stick to only Eat Oats are now available.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil Chacon says that there are several benefits to using it, including the ability to lower inflammation and keep skin hydrated. Chacon says it can help lower inflammation, moisturize the skin and speed up wound healing. Chacon says that the oil also has antibacterial characteristics, which can help to treat acne and protect the skin against harmful microorganisms.

I melted coconut oil with some warm water to make a mixture perfect for slathering onto my skin. (Photo: Jamie Davis Smith)

I mixed coconut oil and some warm water to create a paste that could be used for my skin. (Photo by Jamie Davis Smith

Factor says that coconut oil is easy to apply to the skin and has few known risks. Coconut oil isn’t for everyone. Chacon says that coconut oil can be very comedogenic. This means that it can clog pores and make acne, blackheads, and whiteheads more visible.

I combined coconut oil and hot water in a bowl. Then, I stirred it until it was dissolved. Next, I applied the oil to my skin with my fingers, rubbing it in. Although it felt slimy, it was very soothing. It took about ten minutes to dry. I then used warm water and a washcloth to wipe it off. Once it was removed, I felt my skin glow.

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