Children vs. Aliens director kept an old baseball bat under his bed as a precaution against UFO invasions.

In Aliens vs. Children (available Jan. 20, Dominic Mariche, Phoebe Rex and their younger siblings are fighting an extraterrestrial threat.

“It’s about a kid named Gary, who’s trying make movies with his older sibling Samantha.” says director and co-writer Jason Eisener. “She has been in all of his films and suddenly, these teenagers come into her life, kids the same age as Samantha. She feels self-conscious about hanging out with her younger brother, so she gives up a little of her personality. They also discover that aliens have crashed-landed in their backyard. Samantha is pressured by these teens to host a Halloween party. But when the aliens appear out of the water, they start abducting the children. Samantha must save her younger brother.



Everett Collection ‘Kids vs. Aliens’

The inspiration for the film came partly from Eisener’s early movies-making adventures with John Davies, Eisener’s co-writer and childhood friend, and partly from an event known as “The”Shag Harbour UFO incident.”

Eisener, who has previously directed, says, “I’m originally from Nova Scotia. There’s so many amazing supernatural and paranormal stories.” 2011’s Rutger Hauer-starring Hobo With a Shotgun. “I was unaware of how special that was until I left the province to see it isn’t like everywhere else. This is a great story. In 1967, a UFO crashed into Shag Harbor, where I am from. A few fishermen raced their boats out to find survivors of a plane crash. They didn’t find any survivors or wreckage when they arrived with their boats. But they did see a glowing light from the depths below. That story was something I heard growing up, and my family has also heard it many times over the years.

In Eisener’s impressionable young mind, this tale was made more terrifying by the release of the supposedly-based-on-real-events 1993 alien abduction film Fire in the Sky.

“As a child, I was kinda the age of the characters in Aliens vs. ChildrenI had seen the trailer for this film on TV. Fire in the Sky It said that it was based on a true story. It showed horrifying images of a man being abducted by aliens. And because it stated that it was based upon a true story, it really affected me and traumatized. In my backyard is a true story about an UFO that crashed into a sea. I remember being terrified as a child and keeping a baseball bat under the bed. They “It was for me.”

Jason Eisener

Jason Eisener

Jeff Vespa/WireImage ‘Kids vs. Aliens’ director Jason Eisener

While Aliens vs. Children It is not too heavy on gore and scares to be considered child-friendly. However, it does contain a lot of swearing. Was that the original idea?

Director: “The idea was that I wanted to portray children how they are without any parental supervision.” He laughs, saying, “I recall being a child this age, and it was very colorful!” That was my goal, so I tried to recreate that experience. This movie should be just like the one I saw as a child. I used to sneak in or watch it after my parents went home.

It is not spoiler to say that the film ends with a rather open-ended conclusion. Eisener hopes to continue the film with more adventures set within the same universe.

He says, “My dream is to go back with this crew and cast the sequel.” “It was something that we dreamed about as we wrote the movie and were filming it. Everyone knew that we wanted to make another movie while we were filming it. Through the entire shooting process, the kids kept pitching ideas to us. They have the most crazy and creative ideas. We definitely took inspiration from them.”

The cast of Aliens vs. Children also includes Calem MacDonald, Asher Grayson Percival, and Ben Tector. RLJE Films and Shudder will release the film in theaters, on-demand, and digitally Jan. 20.

You can watch the trailer Aliens vs. Children below.

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